How to warn a young girl, who is looking for a better life abroad, about the dangers of human trafficking? How to explain to Polish parents, that a lesbian teacher should not be reason to change their child’s school? How to tell a young girl in a disco that the consumption of immense amounts of alcohol can have unfortunate results? How to show the bosses of a large company that female employees deserve the same opportunities, prospects, and pay as male employee? How to break societal stereotypes about the Roma people? How to explain to a nightclub security guard that a guy in a wheelchair has the right to have fun as everyone else?
How do we convey to people what is important? How can you share with them what you know and what can help them build better and more positive relations? Which way do we go so as to be heard and understood correctly?
All these questions are conceptually important in the protection of human rights, and I hope that our group of HIA Poland activists, with Marek Dorobisz's, Creative Director of advertising agency Ars Thanea, help, will find the answers in the near future.
Today, our speaker Marek revealed to us a few secrets of building an effective social campaign. He spoke about what angles a matter must be approached from in order to achieve the desired result, and about how to formulate social messages to make them heard.
In my opinion, building a social campaign is an invaluable practical component of our program, which can help each of us to convey our ideas of human rights protection to a wide range of people. It's a great experience, which we'll take with us to our own countries and will use in our future activities.
So, we learned our first lessons, we’re done with the first steps and now need to work out the kinks in our projects. Now each team will be working on designing a social campaign during next 2 weeks. I hope that each of us achieves high quality results, and that we will be able to give practical expression to our knowledge.
Good luck to us, guys! I hope for interesting and fruitful work for us:)